
DHA-3138 15.4” (13” x 8”) Display Head Assembly
- Best-in-class true 8-bit AMLCD for superior color rendering (FLIR imagery, EVS and SVS applications)
- Very wide viewing angles – ideal for cross-cockpit viewability
- Brightness up to 100fL, making it suitable for installation in civil aircraft installations
- Guaranteed brightness and color range over the operating temperature of the display and over its lifetime
- Suitable for high integrity safety critical applications (e.g. PFD, ND, EICAS, ...)
Product description
The DHA-3138 is the latest generation of Display Head Assembly from ScioTeq. The DHA-3138’s proprietary Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display and LED backlight technology deliver a visual performance second to none: true 8-bit color depth with high contrast ratio and superior color stability, very wide viewing angles and superior brightness in Day and Night modes. And there is even more: the optical quality is guaranteed over the complete operating temperature range and lifetime of the display, thanks to ScioTeq’s proprietary control mechanisms.
The software and firmware of the DHA-3138 are developed according to DO-178B and DO-254 respectively, up to and including Design Assurance Level (DAL) A. This display is therefore an ideal candidate for Part 23, Part 25, Part 27 and Part 29 Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS).
DHA-3138 leaflet
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